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Below are the pics of our brothers and sisters who now live in our memory and at Rainbow Bridge.
They are Heidi,Patches,Lucky,Tippy and Duke
Tippy and Duke were doggies.We didn't know them but our human mommy said they loved all kittys so we love them too.
Heidi is the orange tabby at Rainbow Bridge
Lucky is long haired black~white at Rainbow Bridge
Patches is short haired black~white at Rainbow Bridge
Those are the 3 kittys at Rainbow Bridge
Heidi is sitting on the chair by the desk
Lucky loved to climb on ladders,gonna help his daddy fix the ceiling
Patches was fast as lightning.She wants the belt to play with.
Tippy is the border collie at Rainbow Bridge
Duke was the toy poodle
Tippy is sitting waiting to get his pic taken.
All you had to do was get a camera and he would sit up.
Duke was so little.He was a great protector and loved the kittys.Used to take them for a ride on his back.
Hope you liked seeing Heidi,Patches,Lucky,Tippy and Duke
Their own photo album is on their memorial page
Now let's get on to the present and take a gander at what our kitty family is like.We are quite an active bunch although in some of the pics we do look a might on the lazy side.You have heard of Cat Naps,haven't you!
These are some of our human mommy's favorite pictures of us.
There is me,Tiger & my family,my children are Smokey,Rascal & Bandit.
There is one small picture of me with all of my children;that includes Dusty & Rusty who were given to our human brother Jody.Bandit is my adopted baby girl.Bandit is the black & white kitty.
There are pictures of Baby and her little girl,Lil Bear.Also her two sons,Cody and Cheyenne.Lil Bear is the all black kitty.Cody is the longhair black & white,Cheyenne is the shorthair black & white.
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1.There is Tiger and all her kittys nursing.
2.There is Baby watching her kittys eat.
3.Rascal loves to play with Baby's "kids".She looks like she could be Baby's baby.
4.Bandit decides to give her mommy,Tiger, a bath
5.Bandit is our last "tuxedo".She is a big girl now.
6.This is Smokey,she hates to have her pic taken.
7.Sitting in the window,Cheyenne on the left,Rascal in the middle,Lil Bear on the right.
8.This is Lil Bear,Baby's little girl.
9.Cody is Baby's little boy.He was Baby's first born of the litter.Next came Lil Bear then Cheyenne.
10.Cheyenne is Baby's little boy.He thinks he is a "human".
11.This is me,Tiger,top cat of the family
12.This is Baby,the other mommy
We hope you enjoyed the pictures that our Mommy and Daddy gave to us to put in here.We will try to add more later.
Our babies talked me and Baby into letting them have their own page.They have quite a lot to say.Don't hurt their little fellings,they MEOW so loud when they feel they are being ignored.
You will find out that Baby and I have our hands full.
The babies will probably want you to play with them so follow them to
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The album on this site is registered in the name of the owner Rustyjo.